Black Valley

Welcome 🔗

Welcome to Black Valley, Norway’s only and most exciting demoscene event! Our annual gathering brings together a community of computer enthusiasts, programmers, and digital artists from around the world to showcase their creativity and technical skills through real-time audio-visual presentations known as demos.

We offer a range of competitions in categories such as music, graphics, and programming, as well as concerts and DJ sets where participants can enjoy live performances and dance the night away!

At Black Valley Demoparty, we celebrate the culture and creativity of the demoscene community. Our goal is to provide a platform for both established and up-and-coming talent to showcase their skills and push the limits of what is possible with computer technology. Whether you are an experienced demoscene artist or a curious newcomer, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable event!

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Latest news

Post-party stats

Black Valley 2024 concluded over half a year ago, and things dragged out a lot longer than usual when it came to settling the budget etc. Sorry for the extremely long wait, but everything has been settled now, so let’s get the numbers out for 2024.

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The main attraction of Black Valley, is the competitions! We host competitions in several categories: music, graphics and real-time!

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This year, we'll be back at Blaker Samfunnshus with lots of space, a sleeping hall, showers and a restaurant!

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There's a lot going on at Black Valley, so our schedule is a useful tool for people not wanting to miss out!

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